

  • 台灣省
  • 台北市
2020-10-22 20:11
I dreamt of naked in public sometimes.
2019-2-14 16:48
Have a hard day's work and good sleep, nothing else could be done...
2018-9-24 09:35
We moved here for half a year, still I feel like l am not in my own house, because I can't find things easily as before, but I guess I may feel more comfortable ina few months. We sold our old house and I will never go back there any more, Iguess.
2018-6-19 10:54
Play with yourself could be a good idea, and won't hurt anyone, though you have to take some good mood and good place, not to be interrupted...have some fun some time, it's a good relaxation...
2018-1-5 07:32
I saw a tall and pretty face on the bus this morning, she reminded me of my first love. I can't stop looking at her, maybe she will say she saw a dirty old man on the bus won't stop looking at her...
2017-12-8 07:56
I know what the points may attract us to continue with this site, but still I don't know how those points work, like maybe you may buy something or things like that...
2017-12-4 12:19
I don't know why that stupid system said that I can't leave the message I like.
2017-11-24 10:13
I go to the new bought house and find the decoration all torn down. The next step should be discussing the whole situation and reconstruction, I really expect the final results could be .
2017-11-12 09:12
I write about rain and motorcycle, the system said I have got something against the rules, what's that?
2017-11-10 05:39
I have four requests of friendship, all are big breasts, but just ask for sex, thanks a lot, not now...
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