

  • 台灣省
  • 澎湖縣
The day before yesterday, I meet a person in the wuso website. Yesterday, I did want to talk with her. her sister answer me that she was in the hospital. I ask her sister what's happen about her. She say she suicide and was gone. That.....shocks me a lot. God bless you. You will be a angel and fee ...
2017-4-29 10:57
yesterday, I bought a cigar. I feel sad and want to try novel things. I try it today. I will tell the feeling about the cigar when I finish it.
2017-4-28 21:57
I almost cry tonight. Because I think about my life. I feel strong tired. My wife think she can do anything without me. At first, it is a good thing for most of man. But my wife think divorce or not divorce is the same as for her.
2017-4-26 21:47
the boy can't understand the girl's thinking. I don't know what my wife want. my wife can't understand what I want ,too.
2017-4-26 12:14
yesterday, I ask my friend for drinking in the night. I feel so exciting because I didn't drink for a long time. talking a lot of things about life that I feel tire.
2017-4-25 16:56
最近心情很差...可能因為事情太多了...很多事覺得自己無法解決...無力感很重...寫日誌可以賺積分...所以我想以後可以用英文來寫日誌...也許可以增進英文也可以賺積分....so, next article, I will write it in English
2017-4-25 16:53
2017-4-25 09:27
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