百家樂是一種負收益率的賭戲,賭徒沒有必勝法。一直以來,21點職業賭徒都認為不可能在百家樂上取得優勢。曾經有好幾個月,我也一直被這個問題所困擾,一度想放棄研究百家樂,轉練21點算牌術。而我最終能堅持下去,主要得益於《賭場的贏家機率》(《Full Time Gambler》)這本書,作者何樂威能夠長期在骰子、輪盤、百家樂上贏錢,我為什麼不能?
But one thing has been in my mind for a long long time, have not tried yet...is luck. If luck exists, and if we know how to catch it, then maybe we can overcome the samll advantage and have some profit in long run.
Holoway had a son who graduated MIT and was reputed to be a mathematics genius. "Dad,"
said the son one day, "you can't beat a casino. You can't overcome the odds. You just can't."Holloway told me he replied,
"You're right, son. You 're absolutely right." He paused.
"By the way, this house we're sitting in? That new automobile outside? That hefty college tuition I paid for you for four years? They all came from casino winnings. But you're absolutely right."